Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)

Our EPS shapes can be used in combination with any one of the approved major exterior finish insulation systems. Pre-coating EPS shapes offer several advantages to the contractor such as: Saves substantial time and money for installer. Reduces on-the-job shape damage and waste. Provides greater uniformity and quality due to the repetitive nature of a production operation. The product is chemical, moisture, impact, and abrasion resistant. There are several options for pre-coated shapes available to the contractor: Styrothane (Urethane R.I.M.) Base and Primer*. Styrothane Base, Primer, and Finish Coat*. EFIS Base with Mesh and Finish Coat
Ideal for Architectural Shapes with small radiuses and detail. You can select from a variety of standard shape designs. Shapes for cornices and fascia can be customised to meet individual needs. All our products are easy to assemble yourself or you can request our professional installation crew to complete the job for a nominal fee. There are a variety of items that we can make from this type of material. These items include Brackets, Shutters, Louvers, Medallions, Midbands, Crown Molding, Pier Caps, Wall Caps, to Privacy Walls. Privacy Walls also contain a cement covering over the outside with concrete footers on the inside for support. For Foam work we offer textures of: Smooth, Sand, Keystone, Coral, and Primed for Paint. For Foam colors we can paint these items any color that the client would like if we were provided the paint name and number.

Foam Shutters (White in color), Foam Brackets (White in color). Neal Communities: Windward Division

Foam Shutters (White in color), Foam Brackets (White in color). Neal Communities: Windward Division

Foam Shutters (White in color), Foam Brackets (White in color). Neal Communities: Windward Division